Oh, the predictability.
Just weeks after I wrote an editorial on my blog on the San Francisco Chronicle's website criticizing Matt Barber, of Concerned Women for America -- one of the first homophobic organizations to latch onto the University of California (UCSF) press release relating to staph infections (MRSA) as evidence of the danger of homosexuality -- he has retaliated by quoting from a satirical article I wrote back in 2005, titled the "The Gay Agenda"
In my recent piece on the grave missteps by UCSF, exacerbated by the San Francisco Chronicle and Reuters, I expressed how frightening and infuriating it was:
how much people like Matt Barber of Concerned Women for America (I know, the irony!), despise their own children enough to misinform them and lead them to believe they’re in more danger of being infected by coming into contact with a gay person than they are sharing a towel in the locker room at the Christian gym.
In fact, I was so infuriated by the misinformation in the UCSF press release, and related coverage, I urged the Vice Chancellor of UCSF, Barbara French, to meet with me (and fellow irate citizens Michael Petrelis and Hank Wilson -- See details of the meeting here.) Last week I was asked to testify before the San Francisco Board of Supervisors to report on the outcome of my meeting with UCSF and the meeting agenda I had constructed.
In a caveat accompanying my "The Gay Agenda" piece, I predicted this very episode by this very player:
Despite the tongue-in-cheek nature of this piece, it can, and likely will, be taken out of context, and used destructively by bigots and homophobes with ill intentions. From the other side, I'll be criticized for irresponsibly kindling the already raging fires by providing fresh fodder. I've already battled it out on the radio with Robert Peters from Morality in the Media, who appeared to have a peculiar fixation on the penis (hopefully not mine), and Concerned Women for America called me an obscene pornographer or something to that effect in one of their polemic press releases.
Like clockwork, although nearly four years later, Barber, whose column has been published on Concerned Women for America's website and syndicated by a bunch of like-minded publications, under the header, "In Their Own Words" took a few of the agenda items I had written totally out of context, stating explicitly that my article had been "candidly" titled. He referred to my satire as a "stark example of homofascist persecution" and to me as a "noted activist and pornographer."
What was that ninth commandment again? "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor."
Either Matt Barber is deliberately giving his God the finger, or is too stupid to discern satire. Probably both.
The Gay Agenda
by Clinton Fein
Unmasking the Gay Agenda
by Matt Barber